Psalm 5

“Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. O Lord in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.” Psalm 5:1-3 ESV

Every time I read Pslam 5 it takes me back to my childhood days. My parents worked at a beautiful Bible camp in southern Oregon. I spent most of the 80’s (from birth to the age of 7) tromping around the campground, making friends with all the staff, getting beauty tips on teased bangs and blue eye shadow, sitting in on all the chapel meetings and campfire nights. To this day one of my very favorite things is the sound of voices accompanying a guitar, under the stars, with the glow of the fire illuminating all the faces circled around the flames. One of the most popular songs that we sang every week at camp was from Psalm 5. It is the chorus that truly taught my little heart how to pray. As a little girl every time I was worried, anxious or afraid it became my practice to sing my little heart out. Psalm 5 was one of the songs that I learned to pray in those moments.

Pain, anxiety, fear, loss, and grief are all part of the human experience. They touch all of us. There are moments that we have adequate words and can pour out our heart’s cry to a living and attentive God. There are other moments where we aren’t even able to articulately match words to our feelings and heart break. In those moments – can I just say – We have a King who bends His ear and listens to our groans and cries. He sees our tears and knows exactly what our hearts long and plead for. He hears our voice, He gives attention to our cries. He is good.

I love the author David’s confidence in the Lord and practical application to his prayers. He asks the Lord to hear him and turn His ear, then David states and believes – in the morning you hear my voice. Then David acts. He prepares a sacrifice for the Lord. This is an act of surrender – a physical representation of an inward conviction. David believed that God heard him, He trusted his King with the depths of his heart and the inner workings of his life. He prepared an act of surrender and then David watched. He watched, he waited, he anticipated God moving.


The God of the universe is longing for us to turn to Him. He is available and attentively present. He longs for us to pray to Him and to trust Him with the inner workings of our lives. The things that move the deepest parts of our hearts to cry – those things move Him too. He wants to be invited in.

Come before Him.

Speak. Pray. Groan. Cry.

Then, gather all of it – and surrender it to Him. Trust. Believe. Anticipate.

And… watch.


Psalm 5 ends beautifully. Are you ready for it?! It’s a promise that comes for those who run to Him, love Him and choose to walk in His ways…

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult you. For you bless the righteous O Lord; you cover them with favor as with a shield.”  Psalm 5:11-12 ESV

Sometimes the way He moves is tangible and directly effects our circumstance – other times it’s internal and His powerful presence moves and transforms our hearts and minds to walk through our circumstance with Him. When you are a child of the King you can be certain of this – you are never without His presence.

God Almighty bends low to hear your voice. Are you praying?

The King of the universe knows you- at the depth of your being. Do you trust Him?

He is always moving. Are you watching?


  1. Hi Rachel, I love this…I have a friend who lives in my community and desperately needs God in her life. I have reached out and she feels God is no more in her life as she is struggling. This is exactly what I would like to share with her. She has come to tough times and I pray daily for her. Thank you for this?

    • Betsy, What a beautiful testimony you are of a faithful and diligent friend! Keep praying daily! God hears us and responds. Sometimes in his own time and way, but He is always at work through our prayers behind the scenes.

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