Join Us Live Via Zoom For: “Standing Firm: A Four Week Inductive Study of Philippians”

“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27


A Quick Note

Covid-19 has left many of us isolated and in need of encouragement. Our desire is to draw strength and guidance from the Truth of God’s Word – To let it shape us, change us, strengthen our faith, and advance the gospel for Christ’s glory.

Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi does exactly this. It is a letter full of instruction and exhortation that, when heeded, can transform the way we live in adversity.

This study uses the Inductive Bible Study Method to guide understanding. We hope you’ll join us beginning Monday, April 20th as we meet virtually from 7-8:30’ish for four weeks (ending Monday, May 11) to work through the text together. You’ll then use the strategies we’ve practiced to study a few verses independently at home, and return to our meetings having reviewed the previous week’s scripture. We’ll have a time of sharing and discussion before working through the following week’s text as a group. By the end ofthe four weeks, you’ll have studied the entire book Philippians and gained what we hope is a deep and transformative understanding. 

For more details on the structure of this study, please see the schedule and outline in the Philippians Study Guide. Click on the picture below, or link directly to it here.

We want you to know that you are welcome – Whoever you are and in whatever condition you come  – Whether you’re new at studying the Bible this way, a seasoned woman of the Word, have young children running around in the background, or are just trying to hold it together right now . Our prayer is that we join together as a sisterhood of believers – Putting aside worry and inhibition to fully engage in the Word during this time of trial.

We’re excited to learn alongside you and have you as a vital part of the Arise Collective. May this season of sacrifice and adversity be one that help us “stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).


Zoom Access Details

Due to current concerns over the lack of privacy on live platforms, we’ve decided to email the Zoom link to anyone that wants to join us. Please request the link via private message on Instagram, Facebook, by emailing us here at Arise, asking for it from a friend, or getting in touch with the Summit View Moms group. We’re sorry to add this extra level effort, but think you and your families are worth it.


Things to Bring

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates, and feel free to invite friends.

See you Monday, April 20th at 7pm!


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