Just saying the word makes me cringe and immediately paints mental pictures of disease, isolation and people in hermetically sealed rooms. As a self-professed germophobe in regular life, this whole COVID-19 situation has taken things to a whole new level. Anyone else’s hands taking on the appearance of reptile skin from the constant washing, disinfecting and sanitizing?
All humor aside, the last two weeks have certainly been a learning experience for me. As a creature of habit and one who loves routine and structure, having my daily life basically turned upside-down in a matter of days has really thrown me for a loop (and all the people said, “AMEN”). Amidst so much change, anxiety, and uncertainty, Psalm 91:3-6 has been resonating so deeply with me:
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
As I was working from home the other morning, the Lord sparked an idea for me to start making a list of all the things He’s revealing to me during this time. It’s by no means comprehensive, as I’m sure He will continue to add to it throughout the duration of this quarantine (cringe) and hopefully long afterward.
So here they are – 20 things I’ve learned (so far) during quarantine:
I am not nearly as patient as I thought I was. Not even remotely.
I don’t know how to relax.
My “to-do” list runs my life.
My “priorities” are not necessarily the right ones.
I am not in control. I’ll say that one again…I am NOT in control.
I don’t act like I trust God, even though I say that I do.
I am being given (or gifted) an opportunity for time with my daughter that I will NEVER get back.
My creativity and playfulness get squandered by my constant “need” to be doing something “productive.” The chores ain’t going anywhere…go play with your kid.
I am stronger than I give myself credit for.
As the mother of a toddler, there is never a “good” time to read my Bible. I have to learn to read through the noise.
My home is absolutely my comfort zone.
I have WAY too many things that hold God-like weight in my life. Some of the “inconveniences” of this quarantine are really idols in disguise.
Jesus really does want to be invited into EVERY aspect of my life, including the mundane day-to-day things. But the key is to extend the invitation.
SO much of parenting is consistency. I am NOT consistent.
Even introverts need people and community.
Things like fresh air, spring colors, and birds singing are life-giving in a time when everything feels heavy.
I need to be much more aware of what I’m filling my time (and my head) with.
My daughter is not an adult, so I can’t expect her to communicate like one. Toddlers have bad days, too.
After getting a taste of a slower-paced schedule, I’m not sure that I want things to go back to normal. Maybe God is showing us His desire for a NEW normal, one that allows us the time to consistently commune with Him.
Despite the world seemingly coming to a standstill, the morning continues to come, and the night still follows it. Spring still follows winter, and summer is still on its way. And His mercies are still new every. Single. Day.
I pray that we (myself included) would see this situation as an opportunity to really start to peel back some layers and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal our areas for growth (maybe in areas we didn’t even know existed or that we needed).
I would love to know – What is the Lord teaching YOU during this time? Keep our list going on social media or comment below.
Learning right beside you,
About Ali Gadbaugh: Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Ali is a homebody who counts coffee, her husband and daughter, and Jesus as a few of her favorite things. She likes to add a little sarcasm and humor to life, and is passionate about growing and deepening her relationship with her Savior.
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