Podcast 024 – “Unexpected Homeschool Mom: How to Survive (and Thrive) During Covid-19 Closures”

“Children are not a distraction from the more important work, they are the most important work.” – Dr. John Trainer Let’s be honest. We just weren’t prepared for this. Mamas and caregivers around the world are suddenly  responsible for educating their children at home with limited experience or resources. Even with school districts posting lessons and offering support, we need help…

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Podcast 023 – “Buried in the Margins: A Quieting Practice for Bible Reflection” with Kelsi Folsom

What would happen if we, like David in the Psalms, bore our most intimate revelations, struggles, fears, joys, and thanksgiving before the Lord – Uninhibited and free? How can we begin to quiet our spirit, uncover feeling, and respond to Scripture in a way that transforms and unearths that which we’d rather keep hidden? When today’s podcast guest began writing…

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The Sovereignty of God: Deliverance in the Midst of Our Trials

Have you ever heard someone say “God is sovereign?” If you have heard it, have you stopped to truly think about what that means and allowed it to change your life?  When we understand the sovereignty of God, we are able to fully rest in Him. But first I think we have to understand what the word “sovereign” truly means….

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The Sovereign God Who Writes Our Story

There are always “what ifs” that cross our minds throughout our lives. What if we would have made a different decision here or there? What if we would have been born in a different family or country? What if we would have gone to college or not? What if we would have gotten that job? What if we hadn’t moved? The…

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Podcast 022 – “He Will” Advent Study – Week One with Eryn Kesler & Mary Straker

Join co-authors Eryn Kesler and Mary Straker for a conversation about the first week of our He Will advent study. You’ll hear the inside scoop about why these women are passionate about the Word of God, gain some insight into the book of Luke, and even get their own answers for a few of this week’s tough questions. It’s not…

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Podcast 021 – “You’re Already a Theologian: Be a Good One” with Brenna Blain

Do you consider yourself a theologian? Why or why not? What is theology and do we as women really need it? Does what we believe matter, and why do we believe what we do about God? How do our beliefs shape who we are and, more importantly, who God is? All of these are questions Lisa DaSilva and Brenna Blain…

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The Traps and Treasures of Thankfulness

The words and verses are superimposed over photos of flowers and cornucopias, then plastered onto mugs and magnets: Give Thanks! They’re carefully calligraphed across reclaimed-wood wall plaques: Be Thankful! More than that, they’re repeated over and over in our Bibles.  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus…

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Hope & Healing: Finding Help in the Journey

Most of us love a good story. We have since we were young.  We love to hear that the underdog wins or the good guy saves the day.  This is partly because we are all living inside an epic story. The question is, do we know and understand our story in a way that we are living our story out,…

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Podcast 020 – “Hope & Healing: Trauma, the Brain, and How We Can Reclaim Our Story” with Chelsea Van Essen

What is trauma and how does it affect the brain and our overall mental health? After experiencing trauma, is it possible to find restoration and reclaim the authorship of our own story? How do we begin the process of healing and what can we expect as we do? Join host Lisa DaSilva as she talks to therapist Chelsea Van Essen in…

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Hope & Healing: A Sacred Invitation

She was no stranger to the realities of suffering. By her mid-twenties she’d nearly died from the effects of pervasive domestic abuse.  She had given her time and energy to service in her church and to her family. She had pursued Christian literature on topics of marriage, biblical submission, and living self-sacrificially; she had begged God to take the oppression…

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